We are Building a verified skilled community

Verified digital skills are Strong point that make this globalised world transparent.
Digital Badges
Digital badges are a segment of the larger digital credentialing ecosystem. They are awarded to recognise an individual’s accomplishment.Earning digital badges are great to recognise peoples’ efforts and support them.
What To Do With Digital Credential

The digital badge give the recognition for newly-earned professional designation. With our secure digital badges, new skills and knowledge can be verified and shared with employers, colleagues, or recruiters.

To get the most out of digital badge, one can:

  • Add it to ‘Certifications’ on LinkedIn
  • Share it to your LinkedIn feed to update network
  • Add badge and designation to email signature to communicate new status
Digital Certificates
Digital certificates are digital alternatives to traditional certificates. They are secure and traceable. Unlike traditional certificates, they can contain additional information, such as skill level achieved, projects completed, QR code and more.
Advantages of Digital Certificates

Easy verifiability: when an individual receives a digital certificate an unalterable link is created between the individual’s certificate and the issuing body. So, every time someone verifies the certificate, it will direct them to the issuing body. And, if the certificate is altered, it will fail verification. This ensures that the individual’s records are secure and impossible to counterfeit.

Easily shareable: Anyone who has earned a digital certificate can easily share it with recruiters and on social media. As the certificates are verifiable, it will help them flaunt and prove their achievement.

Industries we serve
With benefits of our system


Reward Student achievements, demonstrated competencies and Participation in certificate programs


Reduce cost, market programs and recognise hard - earned credentials with meaningful, secure and portable digital badges

Training Providers

Promote programs and design learner pathways and micro -credentials while increasing student engagement


Reconize skills and awards and search across your employee network for specific competencies and credentials

CertiVerify is a credential verification platform to verify your skill globally and trusted.

Credential verification platform to verify your skill globally

For institutions and universities, it's vital to stand out from the crowd. And in this changing world, it can be difficult to do that with the same old offerings. The digital transformation our economy has undergone in recent years, has created a huge market so they need to roll with those changes and devise ways to be relevant, timely, and up-to-date in order to compete. Because skills-based hiring is at peak levels right now, it's vital for learners to have iron-clad verification of the skills on their resumes. Simply listing that they're proficient and experienced in a certain skillset does not have the same impact as a digital verification. Hiring managers know it, and learners do, too. Digital verifications are no longer "nice-to-haves." They are must-haves.
